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Special Savings Event

Sunterra Outdoor is pleased to partner with Great Plains Beef, the exclusive provider of Certified Piedmontese to premium restaurants and specialty retailers throughout the United States. Certified Piedmontese Beef is preferred by meticulous consumers who require a healthier beef without sacrificing flavor or tenderness.

Our Santa Maria 48″ Dual Grate and Argentine Rear Brasero 48″ Dual Grate customers may use our new Premium Promotion to receive $150 off either grill selection that also includes a $134.95 The Butchers Selection of Piedmontese Beef Package – Enter Promo Code: PIEDMONTESE.

Customers may continually purchase Certified Piedmontese using coupon code SUNTERRA and receive 25% off at all times. (exception – gift boxes as they are already at a discounted rate).

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